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Captivating fun and Entertaining Stories
When we hear the word Ghost or Paranormal we tend to get a creepy feeling, These are the things that go bump in the dark, a whispered voice, the sweet smell of flowers, a light that goes on by itself , a cold chill that runs down your spine, do we admit to them or just pass it off as nothing . I would love to hear from you , your stories and thoughts are all  welcome here .  Please let me know if you want to read more . The following stories were told to me during a haunted bus tour.  Believe me walking through a graveyard at midnight is quite an experience and a whole lot of fun , if your not alone. BOO!     send your story or questions here taffney@taffney.com
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The Haunted Bus Tour

The big day we had all been waiting for was finally here!! The tour bus had just turned the corner, my thoughts running wild now; did I have everything in order? the waviers to sign, did I remember the audiocassettes and plenty of cold bottles of water.

The LandsDown Tour Bus looked so big, who would have ever thought so many people would be interested in Paranormal Research. Ha! Taking ghost pictures in a graveyard at midnight? Have you ever toured a haunted prison? Or thought about visiting a haunted Mental Institute?  Can you really imagine? 

Thinking back to the day I got myself involved in doing bus Tours to haunted sites, I had absolutely no idea what to expect. The Tours sounded fun. I really had no fear of the unknown, well I should say I didn’t expect anything unknown to happen, possibly that was my big mistake! The tour bus loaded 65 people including myself and my assistant, all with a story to tell. We set out for a long night, on a very dark road. Lights down low on the bus, the people began to talk quietly I listened, the stories were all so similar, loved ones who had made contacts, and dreams that felt so real. After awhile I asked one lady to come forth and tell us why she had come on the tour, what had inspired her, she spoke with a quiet manner and very seriously, her husband had passed away and his body had been cremated, she came along because we were going to the cemetery where his remains had been left, she told us how he spoke with her at night letting her know he was always close , she kind of laughed then and said honest I feel him everywhere, even now, well let me tell you, I'm a believer now too, because all of a sudden one of the window shades went crazy and started rolling up and down out of control, a hush fell over the bus, no one said a word, the lady reached for the shade next to her gently pulled it back down then whispered thank you John as she wiped away a tear. 

The tour bus was set up to play some audio cassettes, short stories of different happenings and hauntings through out history,  As we traveled down the road anticipating our first stop we listened with intrigue and exciting expectations to come. Upon our arrival to a local historic museum, I asked everyone to sign a waiver paper and leave it on their seats, they began to unload the bus, I watched making a mental picture of everyone and doing a head count, we didn’t want to lose anyone along the way, two people who I noticed earlier started off the bus, thinking to myself how odd they looked, both very pale, they were dressed in old fashioned attire, the man like a cowboy from the old west, the lady giving the appearance of an old hippie, their expressions blank ,no words or comments spoken to anyone, they walked like someone in a trance.  We entered the museum as a group going into various different buildings that we were told had been haunted by ghosts from the past , alot of pictures were taken , some showing spots that looked like orb’s, one really neat picture was taken in an old school house dating back to the early 1800's ,shadows that appeared to be children setting at their desk, as you can guess by now the tour was on and becoming pretty exciting. 


Everyone was told the bus would load at 5pm and leave the museum by 5:15 on the dot. By 5:20 we knew we had a problem. The man and woman were no where in sight. Leaving the bus my assistant and I went back to the grounds we had walked , speaking to the people who worked there and at the office we were assured that no one was left behind. Back to the bus to recheck, still a no show, where had they gone? I looked back through my paper work to find out their names, trying to get some information, some type of a contact name. Nothing, it was if they had vanished into thin air. We finally asked some of the guests on the tour if they had seen them or talked to them, much to my surprise I was told no. Not a soul knew who we were talking about. No one had even seen them on the bus. Surely my imagination wasn't getting the best of me already!!!!

We arrived at our next stop on the tour, a very old and large cemetery. It was well known for the spirit of a young bride to walk the gardens at dusk. Some said they could hear her wails during a rainfall. We took alot of pictures and loaded the bus again for our next stop. Night time had set in and the bus was dark, small groups chatted among themselves for a while. Then I invited one young man to the front so everyone could hear his story. He had quite a history of dealing with spirits, he spent time explaining to us what an orb was and what a vortex is, having everyone’s attention now. He told of a spirit that lives in his house. One night he had gotten home late, made his way through the back door quietly, not wanting to wake his parents, but that didn’t work,  his DAD was sitting there in a recliner looking at him. Ready to explain himself he started into why he was so late, when all of a sudden he realized it wasn’t his Father but a man in uniform, a civil war uniform. Scared half out of his wits hardly believing what was happening he stepped back ready to run. The man spoke in a trembling voice asking him to stay and talk. Standing there shaking he listened as the man shared with him dates and times through out history. He told the young man how he had been made to fight in a war against his own brother. How he had tried to run away. Starving, bleeding, his clothing ripped to shreds, he told of being on dirt roads with large pits and mud that had seeped through his pant legs, he cried tears for all the soldiers that had died. He told this young man he was his great great great grandfather. He had been shot down trying to find his way home, not killed in battle as the family had always been told, but shot down as a deserter by his own men. That night this young man became a believer. 

The next stop was another cemetery where a young girl was laid to rest after being brutally molested and murdered. In the dark with a full moon we walked along side of the graves, many dated back to civil war years, we found the girls grave marker and grouped together to have a moment of silence, everyone so quiet you could hear a pin drop when all of a sudden it became windy and bitter cold. I felt the chills coming up my back. I felt fear and was ready to leave. I started telling the people lets go. Load the bus now. We have to go, one lady standing nearby said to us, she's so sad, this young girls spirit is so angry. Well I knew I was leaving then! What I didn’t think about was walking back through this grave yard alone, past 100 headstones. I tripped a few times in the dark, I was so scared by then, and the last thing I wanted to do was fall on someone’s grave.  Alone in a Graveyard nearing Midnight, can you imagine what happened next? 


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