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Captivating fun and Entertaining Stories
When we hear the word Ghost or Paranormal we tend to get a creepy feeling, These are the things that go bump in the dark, a whispered voice, the sweet smell of flowers, a light that goes on by itself , a cold chill that runs down your spine, do we admit to them or just pass it off as nothing . I would love to hear from you , your stories and thoughts are all  welcome here .  Please let me know if you want to read more . The following stories were told to me during a haunted bus tour.  Believe me walking through a graveyard at midnight is quite an experience and a whole lot of fun , if your not alone. BOO!     send your story or questions here taffney@taffney.com
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The Haunted Bus Tour

 Head over Hills down I went , Oh  my god , My head pounded against something hard , the ground felt cold , I didn't move right away for fear I was bleeding,  stunned and a bit disoriented , a few minutes must have passed when I decided to try moving  , I started to raise up and my eyes focused on a head stone, with very old  writing as if  typed in some sort of script  , rising  slowly now on my knees , I read the name Arthur Cathill born 1809-1851   thinking to myself  how sad , no family names added no words of endearment . Sounds like a man who was all alone to me 

As I started to leave some of the people from the group were catching up to me asking why  I was still there, of course I had to share  my little  incident  about falling over a grave and of course they laughed  , my assistant  stayed close by me updating me on  some of the things people were talking about and how the tour was progressing ,  I  happened to mention the name on the grave and told her how  it was  kinda odd it  seemed almost farmiliar , Arthur Cathill who died without anyone, not one family name had been added to his headstone , kinda sad  I said .    I was just busy yakkin when I realized she was staring  at  me with her mouth hanging open , she repeated  his name  and  I replied " yeah Arthur Cathill " she asked me then  who all  I had booked  on this tour , could I recall any of the names as in the two people we lost  at the historical village?   well let me think here sure the  mans name was Arthur , holy smokes !!  what a coincidence  Arthur Cathill , the same darn name  as on the grave,  now  that is  just freaky .. Lets get out of here  and we borded the bus to leave, all of us a bit  hungry and getting tired we headed towards  our next destination ,  a haunted diner .   Looks like a midnight dinner to me she said  ! 

The bus was dark now  everyone  just kinda laid back quietly talking  to each other  about some of their pictures they had taken  and eery feelings they had felt .  Giving myself a few minutes to reflect  I couldn't get that mans name out of my mind , bringing back my thoughts  of earlier  where had those two people gone ?  where had Arthur gone ,?  geez thinking to myself   this is a tour  for entertainment  , there's no way the two names could  be anything other than  a coincidence  .

Stay Tuned 

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