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Nov 22 - Dec 21
Sagittarius is symbolized by the Archer. You're impulsive and inquisitive, needing travel and constant exposure to new foods, people, landscapes and things to do. Change is one things you can't do without; you are a truth-seeker, and will go to the ends of the earth to find answers!
Sagittarius  & Sex
The sign of the Archer rules the House of philosophy, something which speaks volumes about these inquisitive,  knowledge-seeking souls. Sagittarians are  truth seekers, focused intensely on learning about their lover and exploring them more deeply. Truth be told, the Archer wants to explore everything deeply, so conversations  in bed can run the gamut from religion to  politics, and which position is most comfortable. These versatile and charming  folks enjoy taking a long drink from the cup of life, something which also makes them exceedingly flirtatious and great social animals. Sagittarian candor is only matched  by the need for dependence, a guileless raison d'etre which can be an aphrodisiac to  many. The Archer loves a challenge, just  the kind of thing which spices up their already hot love life. The Archer is a Fire sign: 'Nuff said,  at least where sex is concerned. The  initial Sagittarian response where sex is  concerned is through physicality, as  opposed to emotion or practicality.The Archer is not shy, and like the half beast/half human that he/she represents, is quite the sexual animal.  In other words, these folks are always ready! Sagittarians like to enjoy many an erotic experience, in keeping with  their outgoing and sociable nature.
Their great libido also lends itself best  to an artistic and graceful lover, qualities they very much admire.  Trying new things is also often on the  Archer's mind, and when their lover  says sex on the beach, they had best not be referring to a fruity drink. The  Sagittarian's thirst for knowledge is often quenched through straight talk in bed, a way to combine two of their favorite pleasures. Sagittarians can also grow to worship a worthy lover, a fitting response to this holiest of acts. 
Love is : When the hearts  is so full of love and your willing to  share it .
Relax and enjoy life. Never let go of your hopes, never stop dreaming, and never let love depart from your life.  One day you will see what you always wished for is there.
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